

Dear Friend,

Welcome. Nice to meet you through this website.This website is exclusively designed for Indians who wants to earn money through Home based internet jobs by posting Online ads in the Internet.

What is the Actual Work? 

The actual work is Posting our Ad content in various classified websites, Message boards, Web directories, forums etc. We will be providing you all the work details including Ad content and website addresses to post the Ad content. You have to Copy our Ad content and paste it according to the instructions.
Ad Posting is a big business in the Internet. Many large companies want to promote their website in the Internet. One of the best & easiest way to promote their website is by posting their advertisement in the online Classified websites.
They need people to do this posting job. We collect advertisement from those companies and we distribute the jobs to the Ad Posters (Our Members).

Is it Easy to Post the Ad Content?

Yes. These are very simple Copy & Paste jobs. All details about Ad posting jobs are given in the member login area.

How much I can Earn for each Ad Posting?

You can earn Rs.2 for each ad you post. We have many Ad categories to post. Based on the category, the rate may increase.

Is this Work Available Worldwide?

Yes. We will recruit peoples from all over the world. You just need basic internet browsing knowledge.

What is the Qualification to Do this Work?

No need Extra qualification. Just basic Internet Browsing knowledge is enough to do this job.

How much Time I need to Work in the Internet ?
There is no hard and fast rules regarding the work. It depends on the number of hours you work. You can work at your convenient timings. But it is good at least you work 2 hour daily to earn a decent income.

When will I get the Payment and what is the Mode of Payment?

You will be paid on or around 25th of every month for the previous month earnings. You will be paid only if your earnings is equal to or more than Rs.1000. If it is less than Rs.1000 for a particular month, then the amount will be added to the next month earnings. We pay you by Check.

How much I can Earn per Month ?

It depends up on how much ad you post.



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